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The Gift of Me: Theology of the Body Songs for Kids


The Gift of Me: Theology of the Body Songs for Kids.

This album of original songs, intended for children ages 2-8 and their families, is intended to provide instruction and encouragement related to key foundational principles of Christian anthropology, and to do so through beautiful truths, beautiful music, beautiful lyrics, and of course through FUN! The lessons explored in this album are robust yet simple, and are based on teachings from the Theology of the Body of Pope St. John Paul II, while integrated with practical considerations for both the spiritual and human development of young children. This includes addressing everything from the reality that all creation is a gift to us from God, to exploring the ways we can support children in their social, emotional, and spiritual development.The primary inspiration for the academic standards presented in this first anthology of songs are the Christian Anthropology Standards of Theology of the Body as articulated and published by  The Cardinal Newman Society. These principles provide additional spiritual and psychological grounding for the educational material presented in this playful and singable music. 

 This includes various important Thomistic concepts, such as the Christian understanding of what it means to be fully alive as a human being, the concept that all emotions are a gift from God which are given to us to help us more easily choose the good and avoid evil, and even further that they mature over time and by their nature are meant to be benevolently guided by the intellect toward right action through an act of the will.  Thomistic teaching further explores the reality that human beings have five external senses but also four internal senses, referred to by St. Thomas Aquinas as the common sense, the cogitative power, the imagination, and the memory. All of these internal and external senses are an integral part of the experience of being human.  All that these senses provide to us helps us to grow in freedom FOR morality, of course supported by the primacy of God’s Grace, which builds on nature, helping each of us to develop gradually in virtue and mature throughout our lives. Above all, the mission of this musical endeavor is to provide encouragement to families everywhere to ponder the beautiful vision that God has for each one of us, male or female, created in His image and likeness and to deepen our understanding of all that this vision entails through beautiful music.  Ultimately, this music provides a clear and creative means for helping you and your family explore these beautiful teachings of the Christian tradition in an age appropriate and fun way!

For more information on the Christian Anthropology Standards as developed by the Cardinal Newman Society, please follow the link below:

                                                                   The Cardinal Newman Society Christian Anthropology Standards

Let’s sing!

Christian Anthropology Standard 1 Creation is a Gift

Creation is a gift from God who is loving.

Christian Anthropology Standard 2 Original Solitude

It is unique to human beings to care for creation.

The human person has a special relationship with God in comparison to animals.

Christian Anthropology Standard 3 Original Unity

The human body is a visible sign (a "sacrament") of God's invisible love.

We learn more about ourselves through our relationships with others.

God made man male and female in Gen. 1:27 and Gen. 2:18-22a.

Christian Anthropology Standard 7 Body-Soul Unity

Human beings manifest their inner life through their body language.

Christian Anthropology Standard 8 The Body Reveals the Person:

The body reveals that each person is made for relationship with God, others, and the world.

The body reveals the person.

What are some of the core teachings that we use to guide our learning?
